Tuesday, June 2, 2009

How not to "Cook/Bake" 101

Those quotation marks in the title are necessary, because I don't even know what to call this. It's not so much cooking or baking as it is opening shitty store bought prepared products and combining them to make some sort of monstrosity. Really, I don't even think I need to comment more on this; but it is a great example of why the Food Network (more so in the U.S. than in Canada) is ruining people with their Rachel Ray, Sandra Lee, and sadly, the formerly good, but recently sold out Tyler Florence.  I'm sorry if this post makes you sick, but it has to be done. The infamous "Kwanzaa Cake"


  1. what the heeeeck was that!? for real?! that's nasty. i've only just started baking more and more, but that is just pure gross.

  2. I know! It's not hard to bake. I do it without a recipe even sometimes, and I suck at baking! That was just "buy items a, b, and c" and then combine to create this monstrosity that somehow is supposed to celebrate Kwanzaa? It's saddening.

  3. i suppose it's good.. if you HATE kwanzaa.
